Mbongeni Buthelezi

Mbongeni Buthelezi

BEING – Mbongeni Buthelezi

South African
artist Mbongeni Buthelezi is a true pioneer in his medium. He is known for
inventing his unique method of ‘plastic painting’, thus using art to educate
and raise awareness on wildlife and conservation.

Here and here are videos of him, explaining his innovative and clever style. 

State of emergency level 4 – Mbongeni Buthelezi

creates stunning masterpieces using his unfamiliar medium: a heat gun and
thousands of carefully selected pieces of recycled plastic. Mbongeni applies
the plastic technique in such a way that the result looks almost like an oil

Mbongeni Buthelezi

developed this method more than 20 years ago, Mbongeni has since made a name for himself
as one of South Africa’s most original artists having his work featured across
the globe.

Mbongeni Buthelezi
Mbongeni Buthelezi

use rubbish to create somethin
g beautiful from it. I collect something that has
no value and give it new life. That’s what we can do with ourselves and our
lives.” – Mbongeni Buthelezi

Mbongeni Buthelezi

Mbongeni couldn’t afford the art supplies such as paint and canvases that he
needed for his art school, so he turned to what was available in his
surroundings. He chose plastic to work with as a way of making a statement in
order to raise awareness about the plastic challenge our world is facing today.

Mbongeni Buthelezi

Here’s how he does it: on the way to his studio, he scavenges for
arts supplies (AKA waste plastic) on the streets of Johannesburg. He then lays
these strips of discarded plastic onto a canvas and blasts with the heat gun to
sculpt the plastic into textured portraits depicting the gritty diversity,
beauty and reality of life. The strips of heated plastic emulate brushstrokes
in his creations. 

He is fascinated with the way each piece of plastic reacts differently to heat. One work of art contains up to 5000 pieces of plastic. 

Mbongeni Buthelezi

As an artist, he likes to bring our attention to the importance
of observing the world with an open mind. He encourages young artists to interact
with the elements in a different and broader perspective.

Mbongeni Buthelezi

He speaks extensively on “the importance of individual ownership
in regard to the preservation of the environment, urging everyone to play their
part individually to collectively make a difference”.

Mbongeni Buthelezi
Mbongeni Buthelezi

In his latest exhibition Sugar Tax, the logos and branding of
well-known and popular soft drink brands are a unifying theme throughout.
Members of the artists’ community are portrayed, going about everyday life,
shadowed by these brands that the modern world has become so accustomed to. It
is difficult to imagine our lives without these brands – without sugar, and
with no plastic. – Art Times

Mbongeni Buthelezi
Mbongeni Buthelezi

“I find it interesting that something of no value, with the
right care and attention can be used to create artworks of such beauty that
they have considerable value to art collectors” – Mbongeni Buthelezi

Mbongeni Buthelezi

Please support this inspiring artist. You can keep up to date on his work by following his Facebook and Instagram pages.

Mbongeni Buthelezi – visi.com 

 Thank you for all your important work Mbongeni! 


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